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Home Nursing Care Vs Assisted Living Care

What is home nursing care?

Home nursing care service is exactly what it sounds like: care given at your home. Depending on the amount of care that you or your loved one requires, a carer or a trained nurse will frequently visit or permanently stay at your home to offer support in your day-to-day activities. The frequency of these visits is determined by the level of care that is required.

Home care is a preferred solution in the event that you or your loved ones require nothing more than support with day-to-day activities and assistance around the house.


1.Comfort of Your Home

The benefit of home nursing care service is that you get the assistance you need in the comfort of your home. You feel safest and most at ease in the company of close relatives and friends in your own home. Their mental health benefits from maintaining this familiar environment.

2.Individual Attention

When a carer is appointed, his or her duty is to take care of only one person. This would give individual attention to you or your loved ones.


The fact that you or your loved one may continue to live on their own turf and make their own choices like when to eat, shower, or do anything else while maintaining the privacy and convenience of their own home


1.Hiring Factors

Who you hire as a carer is crucial; ensure you hire someone who demonstrates safety, commitment, and caring. Finding a reliable carer is critical, as it may make or ruin the care of your loved one.

2.Safety and Security

Unmonitored carer is a risk to the house belongings. Gadgets (TV, cellphone, online games) may drastically reduce the quality of care. In the event of a medical emergency like a slip and fall, a single person may find it difficult to lift or handle you or your loved one.

3.Skill shortage and dependency risk

Quality of the care is limited to the carer’s skill set. There will be no backup in case of any personal emergency for the carer. If you have hired an agency, they may replace the carer, but it is a greater safety risk. You or your loved one may be forced to accept the new carer blindly because of the time pressure.


The privacy of all the members of the house is affected by the caregiver’s presence in the house. This issue is highlighted when there is a function in the house.

What is an Elder Care Home?

An elder care home is a long-term or short-term care facility that offers lodging, cleaning, and nursing services for you or a loved one who cannot lead an independent life. These communities help with activities like bathing, dressing, and eating. If you or your loved one needs continuous medical care, qualified nurses and nursing assistants are available around the clock. Those who are healthy enough to leave the hospital but are unable to care for themselves at home may benefit from an elder care home. Elder care homes typically have in-house doctors who check on every resident daily.


1.Skilled Medical Care

You or your loved one will get proper medical support and care and qualified nursing care around the clock.

2.Emergency Care

In the event of an emergency, you or your loved one will be attended to immediately, and a course of action will be determined based on the facility.

3.Ensured Security

To make sure that all of its patients are secure and present, many elder care nursing homes implement stringent security procedures. This is especially helpful for dementia patients, who could wander and leave their bedrooms.

4.Opportunities for Socialisation

Everyone in the elder care homes is frequently asked to take part in regular events, including games, crafts, movies, and trips. You or your loved one will have the chance to make friends and mingle as a result of this. Socialising with the same age group of people helps them immensely.

The Cons of Elder Care Nursing Homes

1.Restricted Independence

You or your loved one can’t decide for themselves what to eat, take a bath, or do since they are beholden to the nursing home’s schedule.

2.Transition Curve

The transition to a nursing home can be distressing and inconvenient for seniors. Especially for people suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, disrupting their routine can be very stressful and upsetting. As a result, it could take some time for your loved one to get used to the community living situation.

Overall, for seniors who need some assistance but remain independent and prefer to age at home, home care may be a good choice. However, if someone requires more medical attention and is more dependent to perform daily tasks, assisted living facilities in Coimbatore may be the better choice.

It’s always best to prepare yourself with the most information possible, so you can make a choice that’s right for you and your loved one.

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